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Care Homes: When Is The Right Time?

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Care Homes: When Is The Right Time? | Kingwood, TX

A person with dementia will need more care and support as their condition progresses, and there may come a time when they will need to move into full-time or residential care. This could be because a care home may be able to meet the needs of the person better or because something changes that makes it difficult for the person to stay living at home.

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It can be hard to know when the time is right for a person with dementia to move into a care home.

Paying close attention to your loved one, are they:

  • Taking their Medications? – For a person with a diagnosis of Dementia it is vital that they consume their medication at the proper time and dosage. Not taking their medications correctly could result in the medication not working at all or even making their situation worse.
  • Are they caring for themselves? – Do they shower, brush their teeth and change their clothes? Are they becoming incontinent, and unable to recognize the situation? Often a person with Dementia will claim that they have showered and changed just that same day when in fact they have been wearing the same thing for days.
  • Are they keeping up with payments and bills? – Look closely at their bank statements. Are they paying the same payments twice, or not at all? Is their money missing from the account? Be aware of scammers who may have coerced them into paying something that they did not need to pay.
  • Keep an eye open for bruises, scarps, and cuts. – Some medications can cause unsteady walking, and with dementia you may not judge things as well as you might otherwise. Falling often can be serious.  A fall for a person that is confused could lead to a more serious injury or even be fatal if they’re not able to communicate with the proper help.
  • And most of all, does caring for your loved one cause issues in your family, and life? – If you do not get the right amount of rest and sleep you yourself could be at risk. As a care provider it can be very difficult to juggle their life as well as yours. This increases stress and causes agitation. Your loved one would not want you sacrificing your health for theirs.

There are more options now for seniors living with Dementia than ever before. New findings and better training for care providers can give you and your loved one a new lease on life.

Taking all this into consideration, the right choice is to find a loving environment with trained staff that are more suitable to help your loved one deal with their day to day challenges. Come tour our facility in Kingwood, TX!  Kingwood Memory Care
